Now whenever he pops up he just reminds me of classic MCU. I can appreciate Baby Groot because I feel like he’s not being shoved down my throat. That’s where Jeff the Land Shark exists today ...
Groot has been a fan-favourite character among MCU fans. After sacrificing himself to save his teammates during that adventure, the sentient tree returned in the sequel as the adorable Baby Groot.
In an Instagram post, Vin Diesel claims that there will be an MCU movie starring Groot that includes him returning to his home Planet X.
Vin Diesel says he's meeting with Disney about a Planet X film starring Groot, which he jokingly calls "Marvel’s most anticipated movie." ...
III, inviting speculation about a new Disney+ project. A project exploring Groot would bring much-needed world-building to the MCU's increasingly cosmic narrative. While moviegoers bid farewell to ...
The film where Groot returns to his home planet. Ok… what? Oftentimes even if an MCU movie hasn’t been officially confirmed by Marvel Studios, reports or even rumors surface that they’re ...
This MCU movie is one of the the weakest around ... Still, this movie definitely has its moments, as well as much-loved merchandise icon Baby Groot. Tom Holland arguably stole the show with ...
The Fast and Furious actor and voice of the MCU’s Groot gave his followers a big update about all the things he’s supposedly up to right now. One of those things is reportedly Planet X ...