By Elizabeth Devitt Sea ice extent is at record, and near record, lows for this time of year in both polar regions, leaving ...
However, Antarctic sea ice, which surrounds the south ... a hunting and breeding ground for polar bears, and a foraging ground for arctic fox, whales, caribou, and other mammals.
In "Ends of the Earth," Neil Shubin travels north and south to explore the frontiers of polar science and history.
Scientists working on a remote Antarctica research station have pleaded to be rescued after accusing one of their team of assault. The nine-person team had only just arrived for a 13-month ...
Congratulations to British Antarctic Survey (BAS) staff who have been awarded a Polar Medal in the 2025 New Year’s Honours List for their contributions to improving our understanding of ...
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star (WAGB 10) and crew departed the Antarctic region Tuesday after 65 days south of the Antarctic Circle in support of Operation Deep Freeze 2025. Operation Deep ...